For the dressing, chop together the garlic and the anchovies. Stir them with yogurt and then pour the lemon zest and lemon juice. Try the flavour and add as much freshly ground black pepper as you like.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the bread into asymmetric small pieces of about one inch and spread into a roasting pan. Spray the bread with some olive oil and then put some salt. Bake for 10 minutes or until crisp.
Cut the prunes of small lettuce while keeping their leaves properly. After washing, dry them well and place them on a platter with walnuts and a few fennel leaves.
Then fry the haloumi on both sides in a little olive oil until it begins to get a golden color and then drain on kitchen towels. Then place the halloumi on the platter along with the other ingredients. Finally add pomegranate, roasted bread and yogurt dressing.
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